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Debbie Campbell’s Musicals are carefully researched and entertaining, with distinctive and varied songs and dances. Cross-curricular subjects include Literature, History, PSHE, Science and Environment. Five Debbie Campbell Musicals were commissioned by the World Wide Fund for Nature.

Diverse themes and topics make them suitable for all occasions, including Christmas, Harvest, Halloween, End of Year and Leavers’ Concerts. Suitable for Primary, Elelmentary and Lower Secondary Schools and Theatre Groups, (Keystages 2 and 3) they are adaptable for mixed ages and abilites. 

Big Momma CD Pack

Pack of 5 CDs

Hooray for the Little Red Hen

Sharing food and workloads

Minibeast Madness

Look after our Minibeasts!

Ocean Commotion

Sea creatures rescue a dolphin!

One Planet Future

How we can all care for our Earth!

Rainbow Spectacular

Colours mix to put on a great show!

Robin Hood and Friends

A folktale about fairness and friendship

The First Kids in Space

A Show about Space Exploration